Inspire Me To Heal

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Inspire Me to Heal is written from Tamikio L. Dooley’s past life challenges. The author speaks from personal emotional hardship and obstacles. This book shares mental health experiences, solutions, and how to move forward in the right path. Individuals struggle with traumatize events, depriving them of self-confidence, courage, and ownership. Inspire Me to Heal also shares insights helping people overcome traumatic incidents, coping with reconciling through human strengths.

  • Different Forms of Abuse-Author Tamikio L. Dooley shares insights on emotional, physical, mental, psychological, and verbal abuse toward healing from personal experiences. She is the award-winning author, and the author of The Guide to Self-Healing the Mind. She also shares insights on how to cope with human emotions.

Healing process starts today. Start your journey overcoming emotional, physical, mental, psychological, and verbal abuse, encouraging the life-changing process.

Inspire Me To Heal 

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